All functions |
Classes of package antibioticR ... |
Kernel Density Estimate for ZD and MIC data |
Accessor Methods of Package antibioticR. |
Normal Quantiles of Wild Type Population Identified with Ecoffinder |
Summary of an 'abr_ecoffinder' Object |
Internal Functions of the 'antibioticR' Package |
Analysis of Antbiotic Resistance Data |
Launch antibioticR App ECOFFinder |
Find Cutoff Value by Nonlinear Regression to Truncated Data |
Start Values for ECOFFinder |
Fit of Normal and Exponential-Normal Mixtures to Binned Data |
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Data |
Convert Parameters in data frame format to a paremeter list ... |
Diagnostics of Mixture Objects Fitted with 'mle2' |
Mixture Distribution Object Containing an 'mle2' fit as Subobject |
Class of Univariate Mixture Distribution Components and its Parameters |
Coercion Methods for 'mxObj' Univariate Mixture Objects |
Methods for 'mxObj' Univariate Mixture Objects |
Compare Fitted Mixture Distribution to Data |
Initial Guess of Univariate Mixture Components |
Fit Mixture Distribution to Data and Evaluate Results |
Sort and Select Distribution Components |
Plot Components of Mixture Distribution |
Quantiles and Results of Mixture Objects Fitted with 'mle2' |
Helper Classes |
Convert Parameter Vector to List |
Identify Peaks in Multimodal Density Curves and Time Series |
Plot Fitted abrECOFFinder Object |
Reformat EUCAST crosstabe format into data base formats |
Find turning points (peaks or pits) Determine the number and the position of extrema (turning points, either peaks or pits) in a regular time series. |
Unbin Data Frame |
Univariate Mixtures of Exponential, Normal and Gamma Distributions |
Weighted Standard Deviation |
Extract Main Components from Zone Diameter (ZD) Mixture Distribution |